Professional Background
Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Valencia.
Jean Monnet Chair 'EU Tax Law and Policy'
Has served as a consultant of different major legal and consultancy firms on transfer pricing, international and EU law taxation and of different national and international organizations.
Authored numerous articles for professional journals and spoke at numerous professional and academic conferences on business taxation, tax treaties, transfer pricing and related topics.
Proven Track Record
Able to produce accurate legal tax reports and analysis on the areas of expertise as well as on tax litigation on these matters.
Completed several valuations of companies involved in a variety of industries for various purposes including financial litigation support, corporate finance activities, financial reporting and income tax.
Provided tax advisory services as intermediary in corporate mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and finance transactions (including fairness opinions).
Completed numerous expert and other legal reports on tax consequences of international tax structures and on litigation and dispute matters.
Provided transfer pricing consulting and related tax implications in connection with international reorganizations, disputes and compliance matters.
Analysis of legal consequences in cases involving potential abuse, aggressive tax planning or fraud.